Windows may give you a warning about unknown publisher it does not mean it's a virus, just make sure that you've downloaded it from the official website. Go to the new YandereSimLauncher folder and run YandereSimLauncher.exe.After downloading the archive, right click on it and choose "Extract to YandereSimLauncher".Go to the and click "Download Launcher" link.If you have any issues with it, try downloading the archive with the game files directly. Please note that launcher was developed by another developer and sometimes may work unstable. You can find installment instructions for those programs in web. If you don't see "extract" option when you right click on the archive, you need to download an archiver, such as WinRAR or 7zip. You may need an additional software to extract an archive in both cases. Downloading and extracting the archive with the game's files directly.

Bug fix build of Yandere Simulator, bugs fixed include bug fixed that would cause teachers pets to become stuck in place if they tried to lead a teacher to a corpse after the player had destroyed that corpse, bug fixed that would cause students to perform their walking animation at run speed if they witnessed a corpse or murder while investigating a strange sound, bug fixed that would cause social butterflies to recognize Yandere Chan as a murderer even she had been wearing a mask while performing the murder, bug fixed that would let Yandere Chan change her shoes at the locker even if she was wearing an outfit that didn't support shoe changing, bug fixed that would cause teachers not to enter the struggle animation if they were attacked while performing a reaction to a corpse, bug fixed that would cause Yandere to get stuck in place if she was spotted by a teacher while trespassing, bug fixed that would cause a mind broken slave to continue talking and muttering to herself even after death, bug fixed that would cause social butterflies to twtchh while in hiding places, bug fixed that would cause the mind broken slaves "blood fountain" sound effect not to play, and finally bug fixed that would cause a mind broken's slave weapon to be invisible.There are two ways of installing Yandere Simulator: