
Create list of figures word
Create list of figures word

create list of figures word

To add a new list of appendices to the front matter: In the example below, the heading style for these level 1 appendix headings is ‘Appendix Heading’. NOTE: You MUST be using a uniquely named style for your appendix headings, not Heading 1, etc. So these appendix headings needed to go into a separate updateable and clickable list. Adding the appendix headings to the main TOC wasn’t an option because the main TOC has page numbers and you can’t tell some parts of the TOC to not have page numbers-you either have them for everything or for nothing, not for some and not others. However, I needed to do this for a new client, who had appendix placeholders in the document with no page numbering (the PDF’d appendices would be inserted later, so they only needed a heading page). I’d forgotten how to do it, because these days almost every document I work on incorporates the appendix headings into the main TOC. Many years ago, I’d added a separate list of appendices in the front matter containing the table of contents (TOC), list of figures, list of tables etc.

Create list of figures word